The Secret Student - working from home...again.

We catch up with our mystery student during remote learning.
Everyone was so eager to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 hoping some change would come about- and this hope stayed, for a while, but then the new variants news broke and hope’s weren’t as bright. Then the big day comes - the one we’ve all waited for as soon as the first case of Covid broke out - New Year’s Day. It was very different this year - for those who go out and enjoy massive parties, they had to stay home and have a mini celebration but those who stayed home every year, well it was no change for them. Students across the country were preparing for school but then where told there return dates have been delayed a week and they were waiting on the Government’s announcement to see if they would even return for the first term of 2021. The answer was no.
So the first term of 2021 spent at home once again. You’d think after staying home for several months in the first lockdown, you’d be prepared for that same monotonous cycle yet that wasn’t the case. It got repetitive and boring very quickly! However, even though it wasn’t ideal and fun, it wasn’t all bad - the freedom of being able to sleep whenever and wake up whenever or the freedom to work to your own timetable were the hidden enjoyments of lockdown. Sure, you can't see all your friends, but you can binge everything you’ve been meaning to on Netflix and even develop a new hobby!
As we wait, nervously, for the next announcement, just say well done to yourself- whether you did all the work, some of the work or not a lot of the work, you survived your 3rd lockdown. Maybe the last term wasn’t the best but that doesn’t mean the 2nd term can’t be an improvement! And if you continued to push yourself and work hard, keep up the amazing work!
Don’t feel alone because you’re not. You are doing so well and should be proud of yourself! Whatever the next step is, keep smiling and you will get through it. You have got this!