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Mental Health Support Event

On the 22nd November 2023, between 3.30pm and 7.30pm, we are holding a support event in school. This will be an opportunity for parents/carers to meet with a wide range of external professionals who work closely with school.

The event will be based on the Imperial campus and you are welcome to attend at any point during the above hours, arriving via main reception. Refreshments will be available from 3.30- 4.00pm.

There will be an opportunity to seek advice, participate in discussions and listen to talks. There will be various resources available to take away and signposting opportunities for further support.

Below is an outline of the event and a brief summary of the different services available.

  1. Educational Psychology Service- will be present throughout the event and will also be delivering talks about emotionally based school avoidance at 4.00 and 6.00pm.
  2. Our Educational Mental Health Practitioner Team (NHS) will also be available to offer advice and guidance if you have concerns about the emotional wellbeing of your child. This can include anxiety, friendship difficulties, low mood, school avoidance.
  3. Our Social, Emotional and Mental Health team, who work in school will be attending to offer advice and support around unmet needs and strategies to use across home and school. This can include advice related to a variety of issues including bereavement and self harm.
  4. We will also have information regarding EHCP requests and the processes involved, along with steps to take if you feel that your child has an unmet need.
  5. We will also have representatives from the Leicester City Youth Work Team, Turning Point, The  Reach Team and the City Early Intervention Team available throughout the event. They can offer support and advice around substance misuse, school engagement, antisocial behaviour and work with young people at risk of being exploited or becoming involved in offending in the wider community.
  6. Support around exam anxiety will also be available.
  7. In addition, we will have representatives from key teams within school including Safeguarding, SEND and student Mental Health, should you wish to request more specific support.

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
3 Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781