Revision Lists
Here you can access revision lists of what you need to revise for both of the exams.
If you know this, you should be able to answer every question on both exam papers.
Revision lists can be accessed here by either looking below or by clicking on the link :
Unit 1 - Religion and Life Issues
Unit 2 - Religion and Human Relationships
Unit 1 – Religion and Life Issues Revision Guide
Exam – Monday 16th May 9.00am
Topic 1 – Relationships (love, marriage and divorce)
- Key words – Chastity / Commitment / Conflict / Love / Reconciliation / responsibilities
- What is love
- What commitment and responsibilities to be we have towards each other?
- Christian and Hindu views on sex before marriage
- Christian and Hindu views on contraception
- Is marriage out of date?
- Christian and Hindu marriage ceremony and meaning of marriage
- Christian and Hindu views on divorce
- Christian and Hindu views on remarriage
- Christian and Hindu views on same sex relationships
Topic 2 – Is it Fair? (Justice and Equality)
- Key words – Authority / Discrimination / equality / identity / injustice / prejudice
- Why and how do people treat others differently
- Christian and Hindu views on equality
- Christian and Hindu views on social responsibility (how we should treat others)
- What is the media and how does it influence our views?
- Christian and Hindu views on wealth and charity
- Christian and Hindu views on injustice.
- Example of religious organisation or person who has worked for justice (detail here of that both a Christian and Hindu examples have done)
Topic 3 – Looking for Meaning (God, life and death)
- Key words – afterlife / awe / community / God / revelation / symbolism
- Views on God (Atheist / agnostic / theist) and why they are held
- Secularism – arguments for and against why religion is important today.
- How people experience God
- The nature of God (omnipotent / omniscient / omnipresent)
- Christian and Hindu views about the existence of God.
- How symbolism is used in Christianity and Hinduism and what this means.
- Examples of how people can respond to God
- Examples of how religious believers respond to God though vocation
- Hindu and Christian examples of how worship is used to respond to God
- Christian and Hindu views of what happens when you die
- Christian and Hindu funeral services.
Topic 4 – Our World (Creation and our place in the world)
- Key words – creation / dominion / environment / humanity / soul / stewardship
- Christian and Hindu creation stories (consider literal and non-literal views)
- Scientific theory of creation and evolution
- Christian and Hindu views about creation of humanity
- Christian and Hindu views on the meaning of life
- How can we use of and why should we use them?
- Christian and Hindu views on the treatment of animals
- Christian and Hindu views on treatment of the environment (how and why should we care for natural resources and theworld
- Example of a religious group who have used their talents to care for the environment.
Human Relationships – Unit 2 exam
Exam - Tuesday 7th June 1.15pm
Topic 1 - Religion and Conflict
- Key words – conflict / interfaith dialogue / just war / non-violent protest / pacifism / reconciliation
- Peace – how can this be made and good relationships developed
- How can communities be developed and different religious groups support peace
- The nature and purpose of suffering
- Hindu and Christian views on forgiveness
- Examples of religious leaders working for peace
- Hindu and Christian views on war
- Just war theory
- Christian and Hindu attitudes towards non-violent protest
Topic 2 - Religion and Medicine
- Key words – conscience / free will / Hippocratic oath / medical ethics / quality of life / sanctity of life
- Why is life so important and what moral issues to we consider in life and death
- Medical ethics and what effects decision here – doctors’ views, advances in medicine role of religion, does it depend on the decision?
- Hindu and Christian views on Abortion
- Hindu and Christian views on IVF
- Hindu and Christian views on euthanasia
Topic 3 - Religious Expression
- Key words – Community / evangelism / faith/ identity/ pilgrimage / sacred
- Why do people support and help others ( link to equality work) and work of a Christian and Hindu charity ( Hindu and Christian aid)
- How faith can be expressed by what we wear in Hinduism and Christianity
- Symbolism in Christian Church
- Symbolism in a Hindu Temple
- Christian and Hindu attitudes toward pilgrimage
- Christian and Hindu attitudes towards sharing your faith with others. Including role of the media.
Topic 4 - Authority – Religion and State
- Key words – Authority / duty / justice / human rights / personal conviction / punishment
- Christian and Hindu believe who has worked for Human Rights – including religious teaching on this.
- How do we know our duties?
- Christian and Hindu attitudes on punishment (aim and purpose)
- Christian and Hindu attitudes on capital punishment.
- The role and influence of holy text on Christian and Hindu lives (how far do we follow the authority of the written word)
- Examples of conflict between personal conviction and authority ( is authority ever wrong, what happens is religious teaching disagrees with laws)