Warm congratulations to all 2018 Fullhurst award winners

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed parents, carers and families to the college last night to celebrate the achievement of students who have worked hard over the past year to realise their success. Nominated by their teachers, just one student from each year received an award in every subject from art and design to triple award science.
Principal, Mr Piggot, introduced the evening, with a look back over some of the highlights of the year including, record breaking exam results, sporting successes, trips and visits, charity appeals, drama productions and awards!
We were delighted that 2018 Commonwealth Games Gold medal winner, Sandy Ryan, was able to attend and present awards to so many students who have worked incredibly hard over the past year.
In her address, Sandy gave an honest account of what it takes to be a medal winner; the sheer hard work and time involved, overcoming many obstacles along the way and never giving up. The students were able to relate to her story and were inspired by her journey.
Chair of Governors, Mr Rick Moore, concluded the evening by reiterating that all college staff and governors are extremely proud of our students and warmly congratulate them on their achievements across all subjects.