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Fullhurst Community College will not tolerate any form of bullying.  All incidents will be taken seriously.  We are proud to have won an Anti-Bullying Award in recognition of our good practice in preventing and tackling bullying within the college.


Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally, which happens Several Times On Purpose.  We use the STOP acronym again to advise students to Start Telling Other People.

Advice for parents / carers 

  • Talk to your child and find out what happened.  Encourage them to write it down.
  • Tell them to speak to their Standards Leader as soon as they reach school.
  • If the problem persists, please contact your child's Standards Leader on  0116 282 4326 or  via

A reminder to students

If you have any concerns about yourself or a fellow student, it is important to talk to your Standards Leader.

What will we do?

  • Standards Leader will listen and investigate, speaking to the victim and perpetrator separately.
  • Standards Leader will put appropriate consequences in place.
  • Victim will be offered support.
  • Perpetrator's parents will be informed.
  • Victim and parents will be informed and advised to speak to Standards Leader if any further issues arise.
  • On some occasions, police are contacted and can come into school to speak to the perpetrators.
  • Victim is monitored to ensure that they feel safe.
  • Information is passed to the Safeguarding Team and logged.

The Fullhurst Community College Anti-Bullying and Harassment policy can be read in full on the policies page.


Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
3 Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781