Highest ever turn out at our open evening

We had the highest turn out we have ever had and feedback about the college, staff and students could not have been more positive!
Deciding upon the right secondary school for your child is arguably one of the most important decisions parents make. Choosing Fullhurst means that you will give your child the very best chance of succeeding academically and in the wide variety of vocational, sporting, arts, leadership and other opportunities we offer to our students.
It was a pleasure to meet over 200 year 6 pupils and their parents last night, who in addition to meeting our staff and students, viewing facilities, work and resources, were able to take part in a whole host of exciting activities including experiments, demonstrations and quizzes.
If you were unable to make our open evening don’t worry! Just email office@fullhurst.leicester.org.uk or call 0116 282 4326 to arrange a date and time to visit.
Here are just a few images and comments received:
- Excellent student participation and passionate staff – AWESOME!
- Really well organised, very impressed by our guides – they are a credit to the school. Thank you.
- Staff very helpful, good to be able to look around the school, doesn’t feel so daunting for my son now.
- Very impressed! Bbeautiful big building and very good staff and I am really impressed by the very well-behaved children here. Great!
- Very informative and very impressed with what we have seen.
- I just want to say that Fullhurst is great!