Taking a stand against bullying

We are proud to support this year’s Anti-Bullying Week: United Against Bullying campaign.
Anti-Bullying Week is organised by a group of charities dedicated to tackling bullying, called the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Recently they surveyed 2,000 11 to 16-year-olds about their experience of bullying in the past 6 months and discovered that 34% of children in England reported that they had been a victim, with a big increase in online bullying.
What is bullying?
Bullying comes in many different forms, including mental, physical and emotional. It could be as simple as ignoring someone in your class just because everybody else does, posting mean comments about someone online, or sharing a joke at someone else's expense.
It's important to know some of the different ways bullying can take place, to help work together to stop it happening in schools and online.
Taking a stand
This week we’ll be highlighting some of the recourses available, both in school and at home, which can be used to tackle bullying. These will be shared in the classroom and via our social media channels.
How can I help?
You can get involved and be 'United Against Bullying' by following this advice from the Anti-Bullying Alliance:
Include others: Make sure there is no one left by themselves in the playground, or ask others to play with you if they are feeling left out
Celebrate difference: Choosing to celebrate difference, rather than be divided by discrimination and hate. If someone is different to you get to know them better and you will find you have more in common than you might have thought
Keep your hands and feet to yourself: Never physically hurt anyone else
Respect everyone: Choose to be kind, not mean
Don't laugh at others: This can really hurt someone's feelings.
We all need to play our part! If everyone works together and agrees to act this way, we can make a more powerful difference.
If you are being bullied, or have been affected by bullying, please speak in confidence to your Head of Year.