GCSE Teacher Assessed Grades Appeal

We are pleased to report some fantastic achievements by our students in their GCSEs and other qualifications this summer.
Chris Bailey and Chris Heal, Acting Principals said: “We are really proud of all the work and achievements of our students, especially after such a difficult year. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure our students are all able to progress onto further education and study, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”
This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.
Below you will find all of the documents you will need if you wish to appeal a TAG (Teacher Assessed Grade).
You will have already received this Appeal Guidance Letter (sent 29th June 2021) and Results Letter (sent 12th August 2021). After reviewing these, please follow the below steps and if you have any queries about the appeal process please contact Mr James Gough, either by phone or by email jgough@fullhurst.leicester.sch.uk
Step 1. Read our TAG Appeals Policy
Step 2. If you want to appeal complete this Review and Appeal Request Form
Step 3. Make sure you have read our Centre Assessment Policy
Step 4. If you wish to view evidence relating to the generation of teacher assessed grades complete this Information Request Form
Step 5. To resit any examinations in October 2021 complete this Autumn 2021 Entry Request Form