The Fullhurst Community College Governing Body have the responsibility for raising standards through setting a clear strategic vision and ensuring accountability, monitoring and evaluation of the college's performance. If you would like to find out more about the Governing Body or would like to contact the Chair of Governors, please call main reception on 0116 282 4326 or email
Please download the Fullhurst Community College Governing Body Membership for more information regarding the structure of the Governing Body.
Attendance at recent Governing Body Meetings can be viewed below.
Rick Moore - Chair of the Trust
I am very proud to have been Chair of Governors at Fullhurst since September 2010 and be involved in such a vibrant, exciting and fast improving college. I am also Chair of the Board of a number of significant sub-regional and regional organisations, including Building Schools for the Future. I have 35 years’ experience as a Justice of the Peace and 40 years in the property market, skills I can use to support both the staff and pupils. I am Leicester City born and bred and believe that a good education is vital to opening up opportunities for young people and I hope that sharing my experiences inspires the pupils to work hard. In September 2012, I was listed in the Leicester Mercury as being one of the 200 most influential people in Leicestershire. I am currently the Managing Director of Richard Moore Professional Services specialising in general property advice particularly to the development industry, ranging from private individuals and local companies to national and multinational businesses and before that I was the founder/Managing Director of Moore and York Chartered Surveyors.
Category of governor: Chair of Trust |
Date of appointment: 08/06/23 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: N/A |
Position of responsibility: Chair of Trust |
Voting rights: N/A |
Register of business interest: Chartered Surveyor and Company Director |
Register of personal interest: None to declare |
Lynne Folwell - Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor
I am delighted to be joining as a new Governor from November 2019 at Fullhurst and be involved in what I view as an inspirational college striving to provide their students with opportunities to achieve their best. Born in Edinburgh I moved to Lancashire when I was 11 years old and lived in the North West until 1987 then moved to Leicester for work reasons and made my home here, with my son being born and raised a Leicester lad. Having worked within the HR field throughout my career for a variety of industries and national businesses I hope my work/life experiences will allow me to positively contribute to the college’s challenges of the future. I have always had an interest in people development as you would expect from my chosen profession and although I have participated in various industry/education partnership initiatives such as Young Enterprise, Right to Read, Career Fairs and counselling these were for specific time periods so I am looking forward to the more long-term commitment of the Governor role.
Category of governor: |
Date of appointment: 29/01/20 | Appointing body: Governing Body |
Committees served on: |
Linked areas of learning: Health and Safety, Safeguarding |
Position of responsibility: Chair of Governor and Director of Trust |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Elly Cutkelvin - Vice Chair and Co-opted Governor
I have been elected as City Councillor within Leicester since 2011 and I am very proud to represent the Saffron Ward in the south of the city. I live locally to the school and will see all three of my children attend Fullhurst, a choice I couldn’t be happier with (in fact I couldn’t believe how lucky we are)! At the City Council I have a broad experience and attend many committees, some of which I have chaired; these include Children and Young People Scrutiny, Neighbourhood Scrutiny, Planning, and Overview Select Committee. I am currently the chair of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission and am therefore working closely with our health partners across the city and county, a role that I find very challenging and rewarding. I have a broad experience sitting on many voluntary management boards; these include a variety of local residents groups and Saffron Young People’s Project, a detached youth work organisation. I have also been the Chair of Governors at a local Infant and nursery school and faced many challenges in what was a very turbulent time for the school. I have lived in Leicester all my life and have personally benefited from attending local community schools that truly represent the diversity of our city and communities. I could tell as soon as I first visited Fullhurst that I share the same values as the school’s staff and leadership team; I look forward to supporting all to achieve the school’s vision.
Category of governor: Vice Chair and Co-opted |
Date of appointment: 26/10/17 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: SEND |
Position of responsibility: Vice Chair of Governors |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: Voluntary role for Leicester City Council |
Register of personal interest: Chair of Scrutiny Commission |
Dr Precious Akponah - LA Appointed Governor
Leicester City has been my home since I arrived to continue my education at the University of Leicester. I am delighted to serve as a governor at Fullhurst Community College. In my current role as Teaching Fellow at the University of Leicester's School of Business, I teach a range of modules across undergraduate and postgraduate courses, provide pastoral support to students, and undertake research consultancy work. Alongside being an academic I am a sports enthusiast, with a keen interest in football and table tennis. I am also the director of sports in a local church RCCG (Covenant of Grace Parish), and my role includes, among other things, organising annual table tennis tournaments for children and adults. As Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". I am convinced that young people, particularly secondary school pupils, are integral to this change, and I am keen to use my experiences to inspire pupils to dream big and work hard to achieve great things.
Category of governor: LA Governor |
Date of appointment: 29/01/2020 |
Appointing body: Trust | |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Behaviour |
Position of responsibility: N/A |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interests: N/A |
Register of personal interests: N/A |
Greg Hill - Foundation Governor
I am delighted to have been appointed as a governor of Fullhurst. I am originally from Kent and attended a state grammar school before studying history at Homerton College at the University of Cambridge. I now work in finance as a consultant for KPMG. My wife and I moved to Leicester in 2017 and I am really looking forward to better supporting the local community which I have come to love. I am excited to be part of the Fullhurst team and support a school which is working hard to deliver both a brilliant education as well as a solid grounding in the essential skills young people need to be successful in life. I look forward to helping out in any way I can to support Fullhurst and its students. I would hope to use my career experience to support the school’s financial management and budgeting. Moreover, I also look forward to working with the school as it looks to expand to its new site and all of the accompanying challenges this will pose.
Category of governor: LA Governor |
Date of appointment: 29/01/2020 |
Appointing body: Trust | |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Behaviour |
Position of responsibility: N/A |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interests: N/A |
Register of personal interests: N/A |
Nicki Mullineaux - Foundation Governor
My involvement with Fullhurst Community College began as a parent when my daughter joined the school aged 11 in 2005. Fullhurst had been our first choice and it was definitely the right choice as it gave her an excellent foundation to build on, and she is now at university studying French and Russian and continuing to do really well. During her time there the college went from strength to strength and I was really impressed by the commitment, dedication, hard work and vision of staff, so when in September 2010 the opportunity arose to become a governor it was an easy decision to make. I wanted to be involved as the incredible transformation continued and see where that would lead, as well as to put something back into the school which had given my daughter such a great start and it was the right decision. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect but it has been interesting, exciting, inspiring and rewarding and I would not have wanted to miss out on being part of it. I came to Leicester University many years ago and have stayed here ever since. I have always worked in social care and believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to realise their full potential. This is also one of Fullhurst’s objectives for all students so I am pleased to be able to play a small part in supporting the college to achieve its ambitious goals for all students.
Category of governor: Foundation | Date of appointment: 30/07/15 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Curriculum |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: Team Leader Adult Social Care, Leicester City Council |
Register of personal interest: None to declare |
Luke Pulford - Trust Governor
I moved to Leicester when I started at university and have lived here since. Since leaving university I managed and worked with several local businesses. Alongside my commitments at Fullhurst I manage Dock, Leicester's hub for high growth technology businesses. Other roles that I hold include being a member of the Joint Audit, Risk and Assurance Panel for Leicestershire Police, a board member of Saffron Young Peoples Project, running a business consultancy business specialising in supporting growing businesses and being a Princes Trust mentor.
Category of governor: Trust Director | Date of appointment: 05/09/17 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: N/A |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: N/A |
Register of business interest: Dock Workspace Manager, LCC Luke Pulford Consulting Fullhurst Trust Saffron Young Peoples Project |
Register of personal interest: None to declare |
Sukhi Sarai - Staff Governor
I have had the privilege of working at Fullhurst Community College since 2017 and have immensely enjoyed the journey of shaping the lives of young people in the community that we serve. I have lived in Leicester my entire life and I am a passionate mathematician with a Mathematics BSc from the University of Leicester. As a child I always wanted to become a teacher, so I went on to complete a Secondary PGCE from the University of Leicester. Throughout my teaching career, I have enjoyed working in inner city Leicester Secondary schools, bringing Mathematics to life in the classroom.
Category of governor: Staff Governor | Date of appointment: 16/03/21 | Appointing body: Staff Election |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Metal health and wellbeing |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interests: |
Register of personal interests:
Steve White - Foundation Governor
I have been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the School Development Agency (SDSA) for 10 years, before which I was the Principal of one of the most successful schools in the City of Leicester. The SDSA is a company created by central government to work with schools and local authorities and other government organisations to promote improvement within schools. Over the past 10 years the organisation has flourished and I have been instrumental in creating the conditions for an effective social enterprise model for improvement through the collaboration and partnerships with schools, which has gone on to improve the life chances of children in Leicester and beyond. I also combine my chairmanship of the SDSA with a strong interest in the promotion and development of physical activity and sport. I have been the Chair of the Leicester Sports Alliance and the Cultural Strategy and have worked with professional sports clubs and local organisations. In recent years I have specifically encouraged the development of an international collaboration which has led to the early stages of developing partnerships with schools and governments in other countries. Building on my experience as a head teacher in one of Leicester’s diverse communities, I am enthusiastic to maximise the opportunities of strong relationships between Leicester and India. My work has also focused on developing the legacy of the Special Olympics held in Leicester in 2009. My ultimate aim is to take the Special Olympics to South Asia, particularly to India and Africa.
Category of governor: Foundation and Trust Director | Date of appointment: 13/09/18 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: Business and Management |
Linked areas of learning:
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: AimStrong Sport School Development & Support Agency Leics & Rutland Community Foundation Fullhurst Trust Rushey Mead Foundation Central Academy Trust International British Academy of Sport & Education |
Register of personal interest: Chair of Governors, Ellesmere College |
Ian Newcombe - Foundation Governor
I am happy to continue my association with Fullhurst Community College following my appointment as a Governor.
I started my links with Fullhurst when my children started attending the school back in the 1990`s / early 2000`s and I was employed by the school in the capacity of instructor under the then GTTP scheme which allowed me to qualify with Qualified Teacher Status. I have been employed by the school since then in a variety of teaching / middle leadership roles within the school, including Head of Department ICT & Enterprise, Standards & Progress in ICT / Computer Science, & Standards & Progress in SEND. My subject focus has been mainly ICT / Computer Science & Enterprise until my retirement this year.
Prior to joining Fullhurst I was employed in the Pipes & Pipe Fittings industry initially as a Stock Controller moving up-to the role of Operations Manager for two sites.
I hope this experience and insight in the school will enable me to support the governing body, staff and students in the school over the future years.
Category of governor: Foundation | Date of appointment: 12/10/23 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Attendance and teaching and learning |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Dr Angie Pears - Foundation Governor
I am delighted to be a contributing to the life and vibrancy of Fullhurst College as a Foundation Governor, having joined the Governing Board in 2023. My association with the College is long standing, as I was a former student at (the then) Newarke School. I was born and grew up local to Fullhurst, completing all of my secondary education at Newarke before going on to study at Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College and then at the University of Nottingham. I have always worked in the field of higher education, and I am passionate about the role that education can play in transforming lives, and society. I completed a PhD in Religion and Social Justice and then worked as an academic in a number of universities in this field. For the last 16 years, I have held roles in equity and inclusion in higher education and I am currently the Associate Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Leicester. I am committed to advancing equity and inclusivity in education and feel privileged to be able to be part of Fullhurst’s journey as a high quality education provider that is committed to accessible education for all students.
Category of governor: Foundation | Date of appointment: 31/10/2023 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning: Equality |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Catherine Headley - Parent Governor
My association with Fullhurst as a parent has spanned over 6 years so far and currently we have a daughter just about to start year 8. We have 3 daughters all of whom have been at Fullhurst as their secondary school.
I have worked for most of my career in the NHS in various roles and seniority from working in Primary Care to working in pressured areas such as Intensive Care and Emergency Departments as an administrative and managerial member of staff.
Most of my roles have involved bringing stakeholders together to formulate solutions in order to improve pathways for patients and communication between organisations and patients. My last role in the NHS was working with the Cancer Teams in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
I move to an education based role in October 2022 as a new challenge and am currently a member of the Executive Team at a Multi Academy Trust in Leicestershire. I have a wealth of experience of working with Trust Boards, Trustees and Governing bodies and am looking forward to the opportunity to work to develop and advance the work of the Governing Board at Fullhurst.
Category of governor: Foundation | Date of appointment: 16/05/2024 | Appointing body: Governing body |
Committees served on: N/A |
Linked areas of learning:S Student personal development and engagement |
Position of responsibility: NA |
Voting rights: Full |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Attendance register
Governor |
20/05/20 Full Governing Body |
01/07/20 Full Governing Body |
23/09/20 Full Governing Body |
18/11/20 Full Governing Body |
04/03/21 Business & Finance Committee |
30/06/21 Full Governing Body |
22/09/21 Full Governing Body |
14/10/21 Business & Finance Committee |
19/01/22 Full Governing Body |
24/02/22 Business & Finance Committee |
19/05/22 Business & Finance Committee |
16/06/22 Full Governing Body |
14/09/22 Full Governing Body |
18/01/23 Full Governing Body |
07/06/23 Full Governing Body |
12/10/23 Full Governing Body |
17/01/24 Full Governing Body |
18/06/24 Full Governing Body |
02/10/24 Full Governing Body |
21/01/25 Full Governing Body |
Sukhi Sarai | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | Y | |
Elly Cutkelvin | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | NA | Y | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | Y | |
Greg Hill | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Rick Moore (Chair) (appointment ceased 07/06/23) |
Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
Nicki Mullineaux | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Precious Akponah | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | Y |
NA |
NA | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | Y | Y | NA | |
Luke Pulford (appointment ceased 17/01/24) |
Y | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | Y | NA | Y | Y | NA | Y | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | NA | |
Steve White | A | A | NA | Y | Y | NA | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Lynne Folwell (Chair) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | NA | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Adele Tilly-Jones (appointment ceased 07/02/24) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
Angie Pears | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | NA | NA | Y | |
Denise Holland (appointment ceased 21/01/25) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | NA | Y | NA | |
Ian Newcombe | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | Y | NA | Y | Y | |
Catherine Headley | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Y | Y | Y |
Fullhurst Learning Partnership (Trust)
The objectives of the Trust are:
- to advance the education of the pupils at the college
- to advance the education of other members of the Community served by the college and otherwise to benefit the Community served by the college.
Members of Trust:
- Mr Richard Moore
- Mrs Lynne Folwell
- Mrs Christina Bailey
The Trustee Directors are:
- Mr Richard Moore
- Mrs Lynne Folwell
- Mr Luke Pulford
- Mr Steve White
- Mrs Christina Bailey
- Vacancy
Fullhurst Learning Partnership Trustee Directors Information
To find out more about the Trust please contact the college on 0116 282 4326 or via email at