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Curriculum Intent

The PSHE curriculum at Fullhurst Community College provides students with a broad and rich; careers, citizenship, financial, health, physical, sexual and relationship education. It seeks to equip students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives both now and in the future. Through the PSHE curriculum, students learn how to stay healthy and safe, whilst preparing themselves to make the most of their life and work. The curriculum aims to allow students the opportunity to improve their own physical and mental health and their emotional and social well-being. 

The PSHE curriculum aims to equip students with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. It offers a place in the curriculum where difficult or ‘risky’ questions can be tackled within a safe but challenging context. It provides an opportunity for students to learn about, understand and discuss/debate different world-wide topics, such as relationships, drugs and alcohol, peer influences, gangs, extremism and radicalisation. The curriculum provides an opportunity for students to enquire into human questions, supports problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The PSHE curriculum provides students with opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs, values and understanding in light of their studies. 

Studies have shown that PSHE has a direct link with young people having better mental and physical health. High quality PSHE education plays a key role in keeping young people safe, improving financial awareness, improving career awareness and improving academic achievement. 

The PSHE and Citizenship curriculum significantly contributes to Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development at Fullhurst Community College.  It enables all students to understand the significance of SMSC issues in our contemporary culture and more so in our local community. The PSHE curriculum promotes fundamental British Values and strives to develop young people who can both contribute to and benefit from the multicultural society in which they live in. PSHE allows students to become better people with an awareness of the many issues and topics which can help them to become more accepting of people’s differences and allow society to be more accepting of people from any background, e.g. different gender, sexual orientation, religion etc. The PSHE curriculum seeks to nurture informed and resilient responses to misunderstanding, stereotyping and division. This enables them to participate fully in the cultural life of diverse modern Britain.  

Each year group has a bespoke curriculum and is another opportunity for students to acquire information, develop skills and positive beliefs, values and attitudes in regard to healthy relationships and sex. The lessons are taught at an appropriate age level, in a safe environment where students can ask questions, and ultimately be equipped to live safe, fulfilled and healthy lives. Please see below an outline of the topics that will be delivered to students throughout the course of the year. Please note that the order of these topics taught to students can be changed at the discretion of the leadership team at Fullhurst Community College.  

Year 7 Curriculum 

Topic 1 

Living in the Wider World 

  • Introduction to PSHE & Ground Rules 

  • Developing Learning Skills 

  • Transition from Primary School 

  • Rights and Responsibilities – Having a Say 

Topic 2 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Puberty, Menstrual Wellbeing 

  • Personal Hygiene 

  • Friendships & Importance of Friends 

  • Bullying & Cyber-bullying  

Topic 3 


  • Different Types of Relationships  

  • Healthy Relationships 

  • Online Grooming 

  • Hurtful Behaviours 

  • Communication Skills & Managing Conflict  

  • Consent, Touch and Abuse in Relationships 

Topic 4 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Drugs and the Law – Impact of Drug Taking 

  • Alcohol and Smoking 

  • Healthy Eating & Exercise 

  • Dental Health 

Year 8 Curriculum 

Topic 1 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • What is meant by Risk & Managing Risky Situations 

  • Firework Safety 

  • Dealing with Pressure 

  • Bullying 

  • Drugs & Alcohol – Caffeine, Tobacco, Alcohol, Vaping 

  • Sleep 

Topic 2 


  • Relationships on Screen 

  • Managing & Challenging Consent 

  • Physical & Mental Wellbeing 

  • Social Media & Online Stress 

  • Body Image in a Digital World & Body Modifications 

  • Media and Photoshopping & Self-Love 

Topic 3 

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) 

  • Relationship Values & Influences on Relationships 

  • Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity 

  • Choices around Sex 

  • Sex and the Law 

  • Conception, Pregnancy & Birth 

  • Contraception 

  • STIs 

Topic 4 

Living in the Wider World 

  • Why do we use Money? 

  • Debit, Credit, Cheques 

  • Borrowing & Saving 

  • Controlling Money 

  • Being a Clever Consumer 


Year 9 Curriculum 

Topic 1 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Riots & Social Media Bias 

  • Exploring Attitudes 

  • Drugs, the Law and Managing Risk & Influences 

  • Alcohol, Cannabis & Vaping 

  • Emotional Wellbeing 

  • Dealing with Stress and Mental Health 

  • First Aid & CPR 

Topic 2 


  • Gangs, Risk and Consequences 

  • Knife Crime 

  • Run, Tell, Hide 

  • Gambling  

Topic 3 

Living in the Wider World 

  • Individual Aspirations – Link to KS4 Options Selection 

  • Working with Others & Skills 

  • Goal Setting & Planning for the Future 

  • Personal Brand 

  • Opportunities & Prospects 

  • Protected Characteristics & Law about Workplace 

  • Saving & Budgeting 

  • Spending & Enterprise  

Topic 4 

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) 

  • Respectful Relationship Behaviours 

  • Freedom and Consent 

  • Sexual Health & Contraception 

  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 

  • Managing the Ending of Relationships 

  • Abortion 

Topic 5 


  • Meaning of Family & Family Life 

  • Gender Identity 

  • Stereotypes 

  • Faith & Values 

  • Rights and Responsibilities 


Year 10 Curriculum 

Topic 1 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Mental Health – New Challenges 

  • Reframing Negative Thinking 

  • Recognising Mental Ill Health 

  • Change, Loss, Grief, Bereavement  

  • Drugs & Alcohol 

  • Planning Healthy Meals & Being Active 

  • Self-Harm 

Topic 2 


  • Role of Intimacy & Pleasure 

  • Impact of Pornography 

  • Pressure, Persuasion & Coercion 

  • Managing Conflict in Relationships 

  • Identifying Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships 

Topic 3 

Religious Education  

  • Focus on Human Rights & Wealth and Poverty 

  • Status and Treatment Within Religion of Women & Homosexuals 

  • Issues of Equality, Freedom of Religion & Religious Expression 

  • Human Rights & Responsibilities of Rights 

  • Racial Prejudice & Discrimination, Ethical Arguments 

  • Religious Teaching, Beliefs & Attitudes about Wealth 

  • Those Living in Poverty & Overcoming Difficulties 

  • Fair Pay & Trafficking 

  • Charity & Giving Money to Poor 

Topic 4 

Work Experience 

  • Work Experience Expectations Lesson 

  • Work & Aspirations Lesson 

  • Personal Statement Write Up 

Topic 5 

Living in the Wider World 

  • The Equality Act  

  • Hate Crimes 

  • Gender Identity 

  • Living in Britain 

  • Discrimination through Invisibility 

  • Challenging Discrimination 

  • Extremism 


Year 11 Curriculum 

Topic 1 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Lifestyles and Wellbeing 

  • Influences on Lifestyle Decisions 

  • Emotional Wellbeing 

  • Body Modifications 

  • Facing Challenges & Work Life Balance 

  • Sleep 

  • Exam Stress & Dealing with Stress 

Topic 2 

College Application 

  • Complete and Finalise Personal Statement 

  • College Application Forms 

Topic 3 


  • Skills for Successful Relationships 

  • Parenting Skills & Family Life 

  • Exploitation & Abuse in Relationships 

  • Tackling Violence Against Women & Girls 

  • Family Conflict 

  • Sexual Health, Fertility & Routes to Parenthood 

  • Pregnancy Outcomes & Abortion 

  • Long Term Commitments 

Topic 4 

Religious Education  

  • Focus on Crime & Punishments 

  • Law & Justice and Crime & Sin 

  • Types of Punishment 

  • Christian, Islamic & Hindu Views on Punishment 

  • Capital Punishment & Religious Views 

  • Derek Bentley Case Study 

Topic 5 

Living in the Wider World 

  • Marketing Yourself & Personal Branding 

  • Types of Employment, Employment Trends 

  • Rights and Responsibilities at Work 

  • Budgeting 

  • Responsible & Ethical Consumerism 

  • Credit and Debt – Money Stresses and Pressure 

  • Business Structure & Organisation 

  • How and Why of Business Financing, Entrepreneurship and Risk 

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about the PSHE or RSE curriculum including specifics of the topics, please contact the school via 



Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781