Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
Students will develop the competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities and be physically active for sustained periods of time so that they develop a love of sport and a clear understanding of the need to continue to be active into adulthood.
Students will be able to:
Develop competence and confidence across a range of sports and physical activity.
Increase knowledge of sport and physical activity.
Value physical activity and prepare all students for success in life.
Enthuse and empower all to engage in physical activity for life.
Each sport has been selected to enable students to embody and develop in a broad range of key concepts:
Physical skills development
Social skills development
Cognitive skills development
Health and Fitness
Inclusivity and participation
Character building
Lifelong enjoyment of physical activity
Academic integration
At Fullhurst we strongly believe in the importance of PE to support students in setting the foundation for a healthy and active life, building a lifelong appreciation of sport and fitness. Students will get to experience leadership as well as participation, leading warm-ups, and practicing skills and reflecting on their own performance.
Core Physical Education
Year 7- Core movement and introduction to basic skills
Students in year 7 will have the opportunity to experience a breadth of sports within a two-hour weekly lesson to assist feed into an extra-curricular culture. An importance is focussed on learning basic skills and movement across a range of invasion, stick and net/wall games, fielding and athletics. Throughout each cycle, students will be assessed across two sports based on practical skills and complete a recall assessment. Students will participate in the following sports during each cycle:
Cycle 1: Badminton, Rugby and Orienteering
Cycle 2: Hockey, Basketball, Gymnastics and Football
Cycle 3: Athletics, Cricket, Rounders and Ultimate Frisbee
Year 8- Building foundational skills
Students will learn selected sports in isolation and take part and lead drills. Engaging in activities that enhance their gross and fine motor skills, while also understanding the principles of physical fitness through cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, and endurance training. As a school, we emphasise the importance of sportsmanship, teaching students to respect opponents and officials, and fostering a sense of teamwork and cooperation through various sports and group activities, which contribute to their social and emotional development. Students will participate in the following sports during each cycle:
Cycle 1: Badminton and Rugby
Cycle 2: Hockey, Football and Orienteering
Cycle 3: Athletics, Tchoukball, Rounders and Gymnastics
Year 9- Strategies, tactics, rules and regulations
Adopting the Teaching Games for Understanding model, students will be assessed against how they use space to their advantage in modified games. In order to effectively progress up a pitch or court while having the patience to build an attack and maintain effective defence rather than go all out and be vulnerable out of possession. Focussing on the six key stages, which include: Game-Focus, Game Appreciation, Tactical Awareness, Decision-Making, Skill Execution and finally, Performance. Students will participate in the following sports during each cycle:
Cycle 1: Football and Hockey
Cycle 2: Basketball, Rounders, Orienteering and Rugby
Cycle 3: Athletics, Cricket and Ultimate Frisbee
Have a look at the video below for an overview of the KS3 PE Curriculum.
Year 10
Our year 10 students will build upon their understanding of sports, further developing their knowledge of officiating and leading. They will have active roles in leading and planning warm ups, drills and skills practices, modified games, cool downs and officiating a broad range of sport activities. From this, students will gain increased confidence, improved communication and resilience that they can not only apply to engaging with sports but also other areas of the curriculum and outside of school.
Year 11
We aim to focus on creating a healthy and active future for our Year 11s, so that they can leave with the understanding of how to keep healthy when they leave school. Students will be able to make vital links across the curriculum and take part in a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities. We hope that all students leave Fullhurst with a love for physical activity of some sort and can use this within their everyday routines as they go out into the working world.
BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Sport
Acting as an additional qualification for most of our learners, the BTEC Level 2 Tech Award Sport will enable students to acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through a vocational context by:
Investigating provisions for sport, including equipment and facilities to enhance sport
Planning and delivery of sports drills and sessions
Fitness for sport, including fitness testing and methodology
This course will allow students to access a wide range of higher education qualifications, including apprenticeships focussed on sport linked to coaching, exercise science and personal training.
Year 10
Component 1: Preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity – 30% of total qualification
Learners will explore the different types and provision of sport and physical activity available for different types of participants, barriers to participation and ways to overcome these barriers to increase participation in sport and physical activity. They will also research equipment and technological advances in a chosen sport or physical activity and how to prepare our bodies for participation in sport and physical activity. Students will have to select suitable activities for a given case study and then demonstrate these.
Year 10/11
Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participants' Sporting Performance – 30% of total qualification
Learners will investigate the components of fitness and their effect on performance, take part in practical sport, explore the role of officials in sport and learn to apply methods and sporting drills to improve other participants’ sporting performance. This will be assessed through both written and practical assessment.
Year 11
Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity – 40% of total qualification
Learners will explore the importance of fitness for sports participation, including the specific components of fitness, fitness training principles, and exercise intensity. Students will also investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels, different fitness training methods and fitness programming to improve fitness and sports performance. Assessed via a written exam during the summer of year 11.
GCSE Physical Education
GCSE PE is a great course for those who are passionate about Sport and want to learn more about how the body works in performance as well as external elements such as data, psychology and influence on participation.
The course is split up into 4 components:
Component 1 – Fitness and Body Systems – Exam Assessed (1 hour 30 minutes) – 36%
In this component taught in year 10, students will look at the main body systems, how they work, how they react to exercise and how they adapt through training. Students will also learn about the movements the body can make, how they are performed and which athletes need different components of fitness to be successful. We will also look at training methods athletes have at their disposal in order to improve performances and results in their field.
Component 2 – Health and Performance – Exam Assessed (1 hour 15 minutes) – 24%
Why do people take part in the sports they have chosen? Why do some games go well and some not? What is health, and how do I make sure I am as fit and healthy as I can be?
All of these questions have multiple answers and apply to everyone in society, regardless of what their answers to those questions are. In this component we will look into these themes and apply them to our own lives and those of case studies at a wide variety of sporting levels, from grass roots to elite performers.
Component 3 – Practical Performance in Sport – Internally Assessed with Moderation – 30%
In this component, you will need to select 3 sports. 1 must be a team sport, 1 must be an individual sport. You will be assessed in isolated skill practices and in gameplay, receiving a total combined mark out of 35 for each sport.
We highly recommend that you play to at least a club level for these sports, but you will also work on some sports with your teacher in order to develop you to a standard where you can achieve good marks if taken forward.
You must also be prepared to be called to moderation by the exam board and perform against other students from other schools where marking is independently checked and verified by an examiner.
Component 4 – Personal Exercise Programme – Internally Assessed Coursework with Moderation – 10%
In this component, you will take part in a wide range of different fitness tests. You will need to select an area for development when analysing your results, and create and follow a 6-week training programme in order to improve that area of fitness. Following this time, you will repeat the fitness tests and analyse whether your training programme has been effective or not. This piece of course is limited to 1500 words and will be completed in class under exam conditions.
Extra-curricular Opportunities
Here at Fullhurst we are very proud of the extra-curricular clubs that we run throughout the year. The school provides multiple opportunities for students to participate and gain experience in a number of different sports, including table tennis, rugby, netball, basketball, football and much more.
PE kit
Black branded Fullhurst polo shirt (this is provided by the school free of cost at the beginning of Year 7). If this has been lost, it can be replaced or students can have a plain black T-shirt (no brand).
Plain black shorts or legwear (no branded items, no cycling shorts/leggings and no hooded tops).
Plain black long-sleeved top for colder weather conditions if students require this.
Sports trainers with non-marking soles (these should be separate from school shoes, no fashion trainers including canvas-style shoes).
Shin pads and gum shields for specific sports.