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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school/college ordinarily receives. This funding is targeted at students from disadvantaged backgrounds to address the social inequality that exists between these students and their less deprived peers. We were very proud to have been recognised for our success in raising aspirations and ensuring disadvantaged students can fulfil their full potential. 

How much is the Pupil Premium? 

For the 2024-25 academic year, the premium will be worth £1050 per student. This premium is allocated for each student who is in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM), students in care, looked after students and any students who have been in receipt of FSM in the past six years (known as Ever6).

How many students at Fullhurst Community College are eligible for the Pupil Premium?

As it stands, 37% of our students are entitled to Pupil Premium at Fullhurst Community College and are classified as disadvantaged, this is reviewed and updated termly.  This means that the school is provisionally set to receive Pupil Premium funding for 558 students for the 2024-2025 academic year.  This equates to £585,900 in total funding.

How does Fullhurst Community College spend Pupil Premium funding?

Leaders at a school are held to account for how they go about spending their Pupil Premium funding and it is necessary for each school to ensure that they monitor and evaluate the impact of each of the ways in which they decide to spend the money. At Fullhurst Community College, we rigorously ensure that the Pupil Premium is used to 'transform lives' and allows every student to access opportunities and to achieve their potential.

The intention is to increase the attainment and progress made by our students eligible for the Pupil Premium, and therefore over time continue to narrow in college gaps that exists between this group of students and their peers. In addition, we aim to continue to close the gap between the achievement of our disadvantaged students and the national achievement standards of all students. The strategy at Fullhurst is based on the principal of ‘equity and excellence’, equal opportunity for all students to strive to meet their potential.

The overriding aim for the Pupil Premium spending is to raise the achievement and outcomes of our disadvantaged students and the other students, across the whole curriculum. Please click here to see how we achieve this. 

Our previous success with the use of the Pupil Premium resulted in Fullhurst Community College being named the Secondary Regional Champions for 2017 in the National Pupil Premium Awards. 

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Latest Pupil Premium Review 

It was clear from my visit that the progress of its disadvantaged students is a key priority for the school.  The Senior Leadership Team is extremely committed to ensuring that its disadvantaged pupils receive quality-first teaching across all subjects supported by effective interventions and access to as wide a range of opportunities as possible.  The school has an extremely good awareness of its students and their specific needs and has implemented an impressive range of interventions to target Maths and English skills in particular and to widen opportunity accordingly.  These interventions are monitored very effectively, enabling the school to anticipate where they may need to intervene to have further impact on pupil learning.  This work has already seen gaps close rapidly.  The focus on high quality first teaching is reducing the need for additional interventions and indicates the sustainability of ongoing improvements in the outcomes of those pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. David Deacon Executive Summary

We welcomed David Deacon into the college to conduct a review of how we are spending the Pupil Premium funding.  David Deacon is an accredited and independent reviewer from Ashmount School in Loughborough, who themselves won the National Pupil Premium Award in 2014.  The purpose of a review is to evaluate the good work that has taken place already and to continue to explore ways in which we can improve our strategy for raising the achievement of disadvantaged pupils. A link for the full review is available at the bottom of this section.

Next review

The Governors intend to commission the next external Pupil Premium Review in this academic year. In the meantime, the Pupil Premium strategy will continually be quality assured and challenged by the named Pupil Premium linked Governor. 

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
3 Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781