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Curriculum Intent

We aim to provide students with a broad understanding of some of the major issues in society today and the different viewpoints that people have around these issues, including religious views. Students are given the opportunity to explore, understand and question how and why people hold different beliefs on issues in order to better understand their place in society. 

Year 7 Curriculum 

In Year 7, students look at the concept of belief.  In cycle 1, they examine what makes people believe and consider how some of their own beliefs influence their own morals. Students also look at the range of beliefs that exist in the UK today along with Leicester as their local area. Students study the key beliefs of a wide range of religions, such as the Five Pillars in Islam and the Eightfold Path in Buddhism. In cycle 2, students go on to look at creation stories of different religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism, as well as looking at Pan Gu, the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution. In cycle 3, students look at the different religious festivals which take place in the UK and around the world. Students look at the festivals which are celebrated within religions, such as Easter, Vaisakhi and Eid as well as looking at the Day of the Dead festival.  Have a look at the video below, for more information on the Year 7 Curriculum.

Year 7 RE Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Curriculum 

In Year 8, students start by examining environmental issues faced and the different responses and reactions to them, considering issues like stewardship and animal rights. Cycle 1 focuses on the human impact on the environment, linking to religious perspectives on the environment, such as Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Students then discuss religious views on animal rights and then practice their debating skills on vegetarianism. In cycle 2, students explore issues around evil and suffering, exploring the difference between moral and natural evil and religious viewpoints towards evil and suffering. Towards the end of the cycle, students link their learning on evil and suffering to poverty, charity and forgiveness. In cycle 3, students get the chance to examine the views that people hold around the issue of life after death. Students focus on religious viewpoints towards life after death, such as the day of judgement and karma, as well as examining non-religious viewpoints on life after death. Have a look at the video below, for more information on the Year 8 RE Curriculum.

Year 8 RE Curriculum Overview
Year 9 Curriculum 

In Year 9, students look at marriage and family in cycle 1. With a Christian foundation, they will look at family and relationships, issues such as divorce, and family planning. They will look at things from a legal, as well as a moral, perspective. They will have the opportunity to discuss different views that people will hold. In cycle 2, students will get the opportunity to discuss and explore different views on different medical and social issues such as abortion and euthanasia. From religious and non-religious viewpoints, students get the opportunity to discuss and develop their knowledge of debateable topics. They will look into things from a legal and ethical moral perspective. They will develop the skills required to engage in critical and reflective religious beliefs as well as develop their own positions on these topics, giving them the opportunity to reflect and voice their opinions. There is also a focus on the death penalty, genetic engineering and IVF. In cycle 3, students finish the year by examining views on peace and conflict, considering if war can ever be justified and what the different religious and non-religious views are towards conflict. There will also be a link to the Crusades, terrorism and anti-Semitism. They will be encouraged to express their findings and ideas within a GCSE style format, which gives a strong foundation for those students taking Philosophy and Ethics at GCSE. Have a look at the video below for more information about the Year 9 RE Curriculum. 

Year 9 RE Curriculum Overview

Year 10 Curriculum 

In Year 10, students study religious teachings and religious philosophical and ethical arguments relating to the issues that follow and their impact and influence in the modern world. Students are taught to be aware of contrasting perspectives in contemporary British society on these issues. Students are taught to explain contrasting beliefs on the following three issues with reference to the main religious tradition in Britain (Christianity) and other religious traditions: status of women in religion, the uses of wealth and freedom of religious expression. Students learn about prejudice and discrimination in religion and belief, including the status and treatment within the religion of women and homosexuals. Next, students look at issues of equality, freedom of religion and belief, including freedom of religious expression, as well as human rights and the responsibilities that come with rights, including the responsibility to respect the rights of others. Some of the key topic areas that students’ study within human rights are social justice, racial prejudice and discrimination and ethical arguments relating to racial discrimination, including positive discrimination. The remainder of the topic area focuses on wealth and poverty where students look at the right attitude to wealth, the uses of wealth and the responsibilities of wealth. Students look at exploitation of the poor, including issues relating to fair pay, excessive interest on loans and people trafficking. Students also consider the responsibilities of those living in poverty to help themselves overcome the difficulties they face and charity, including issues related to giving money to the poor. These RE lessons are embedded within the time allocated for PSHE and students are given the opportunity to consider religious viewpoints of various topic areas throughout the curriculum.  

Year 11 Curriculum 

In Year 11, students study religious teachings and religious philosophical and ethical arguments, relating to the issues that follow and their impact and influence in the modern world. They learn the contrasting perspectives in contemporary British society on these issues. Students are taught to explain contrasting beliefs on the following three issues with reference to the main religious tradition in Britain (Christianity) and Islamic and Hindu religious traditions: corporal punishment, death penalty and forgiveness. Students learn about good and evil intentions and actions including whether it can ever be good to cause suffering. Students look at the reasons for crime including poverty and upbringing, mental illness and addiction, greed and hate and opposition to an unjust law. The Year 11 RE curriculum also focuses on views about people who break the law and views about different types of crime including hate crimes, theft and murder. Next, students look at the aims of punishment including retribution, deterrence and reformation, as well as the treatment of criminals including prison, corporal punishment and community service. Some of the key topic areas students also look at are forgiveness, the death penalty linking to Derek Bentley and ethical arguments relating to the death penalty including those based on the principle of utility and sanctity of life. These RE lessons are embedded within the time allocated for PSHE and students are given the opportunity to consider religious viewpoints of various topic areas throughout the curriculum. 


Extra-Curricular Information 

Students also access elements of RE in the following forms: - 

  • Assemblies focusing on different key religious events in the year, such as Diwali. 

  • Dedicated tutor time sessions allow students to reflect on their learning from whole group assemblies and explore religious issues, such as forced marriage. 

  • External providers cover key religious issues, such as extremism with Going to Extremes from Alter Ego 

  • Some subject areas look religious beliefs in their content. For example, English addresses religious beliefs when teaching war and conflict poetry, and in Science, students learn about the ethics of genetic modification. 

  • Teachers lead guided prayer on Fridays, and students have access to a prayer room 

  • School trip visits to the local church and mosque 

All parents and carers, have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. If you wish to do this, please contact the school office. 

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781