At Fullhurst we acknowledge that some of our students have individual learning needs which may affect their progress across the curriculum and we have a committed team of teachers and teaching assistants trained to support students with a variety of needs. Recently the SEND faculty has supported students with general and specific learning difficulties, visual impairment, hearing impairment, students who have English as an additional language as well as students with other additional needs.
The SEND faculty is made up of a team of experienced teaching assistants who provide a range of support for students including in class support, small group work and individual one-to-one support where applicable. Our faculty team works closely with the mainstream teachers in the school, parents and relevant outside agencies to ensure all students make progress across the curriculum.
The SENCo at Fullhurst Community College, Miss Catherine Murphy, can be contacted by calling 0116 282 4326 or via email at
COVID-19 Advice and resources for parents of SEN/vulnerable students
Advice and resources for parents of SEN/vulnerable students
Covid 19 Resources for CYP and their families and the system
LLR CCG DCO response to the Covid 19 concerns for Children and Young people with SEND
The Leicester City Council My Choice and SEND Local Offer website provides information about what schools, colleges and other educational settings must do for pupils with SEND, types of special educational needs and special arrangements.
Information regarding the Fullhurst Community College SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan can be found below.